
Full Name: Mat Jim Rage.
Rank: Lieutenant Commander.
Current Assignment: Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Ashrose NCC-96230-A.
Date of Birth: 2384.058 (current age 26).
Place of Birth: Australia, Earth.
Race: Andorian (raised on Earth).
Serial Number: MG-272-985.
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2404-2408.
Previous Military Experience: Andorian Imperial Guard, Infantry, 2400-2404.

2408.058: As an Ensign, assigned to the Miranda class U.S.S. Ashrose NCC-96230 under Captain Qat'Anmek.
2409.226: Assumed command as Acting-Captain of the U.S.S. Ashrose after the deaths of his superiors in battle against the Borg, as per Starfleet Order 104: Section B, Paragraph 1-A.
2409.227: Promoted to Lieutenant and given full command of the Ashrose by Admiral Quinn.
2409.326: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and transferred, as Commanding Officer, to the newly-commissioned Excalibur class U.S.S. Ashrose NCC-96230-A by Admiral Quinn.



Though an outstanding military officer, Rage began life under tragic circumstances. While pregnant, his parents, or quad, were poisoned by agents of the Orion Syndicate. Being on a diplomatic mission to Earth at the time, doctors there were able to save the infant, though his quad perished. Unable to locate information on his Keth, or Clan, returning him to Andoria was difficult. The orphaned Rage was adopted by human anthropologist Dr John Rage, given a human name and raised on Earth. Though he embraced his human family with the same deep bonds known to Andorians, he longed to be among his people. On his 16th birthday he travelled to Andoria and enlisted in the Andorian Imperial Guard. Unsatisfied with his experiences and unable to find a place among his people, he returned to Earth and transferred to Starfleet Academy.
As an Andorian, Rage possesses the natural predilection for passionate displays of aggression and violence when pushed. He has been able to focus this skill and channel it into his military career, making him a superb combat officer - able to make sound tactical decisions while remaining calm and collected. Unlike other Andorians, his upbringing has allowed him to experience a full range of human emotions and as a result he possesses a level of empathy uncommon to his people, making him a solid choice for diplomatic and rescue missions alike. He also possesses a strong interest in technology and continues to expand his knowledge in the area of starship engineering. His surprising good sense of humour and calm, approachable manner make him well-liked by his crew, and his command thus far has been nothing short of exemplary.
Lieutenant Commander Rage visiting the High Mountain Nature Preserve on Andoria.
UPDATE 2409.226: With the recent outbreak of hostilities in the Alpha Quadrant, Starfleet is scrambling to fill positions aboard starships. Heavy casualties among Starfleet officers means there is a shortage of command-ready personnel. Rage's first-hand combat experience, coupled with his excellent performance during the Khitomer Crisis, means that Admiral Quinn of Starfleet Command has personally requested Rage's command of a series of newly commissioned starships all bearing the name of his first command, Ashrose, despite his relatively low rank.


